Vision Without Glasses

Friday, September 18, 2009

Relearning to See - Astigmatism


Did you know that better eyesight without glasses may be simply about being aware of the impact of stress on our bodies? Amazingly,the much anticipated degeneration of sight as we age can be slowed, if not actually reversed, with a program for relearning to see.

Astigmatism is a condition that occurs when the eyeball loses its roundness and vision starts to become hazy. It can also be caused by years of stress and strain on the eyes. The eye is surrounded by tiny muscles that help the eye ball to elongate and contract. Years of tension, can weaken these muscles and cause problems when the eyes need to change shape.

The eyes are never ever truly round; they are constantly changing shapes depending on the situation. Everyone has astigmatism every once in awhile. In fact, you can create the illusion of astigmatism right now by pulling on the eye lids and blurring the vision. The eyes will usually soon fix themselves without the use artificial lenses which just mask the problem and prevent the eyes from healing themselves.

The eyes are amazing organs and will respond to a program for better vision that trains them in natural vision improvement. Eyes are the first line of defense against tension; unless this is brought to our attention, we just tend to ignore those signs. If vision becomes blurry or distorted, your eyes are telling you to relax and take it easy. There are even certain, helpful exercises that encourage the eyes to relax.

Natural Vision Improvement

1. When you feel tension arise, the first thing to do of course, is relax. Stop what you are doing and take a quick break. You don’t have to leave your desk or the area you are working in. Simply move your eyes around. Look away from the computer screen or the papers in front of you, focus on objects far away and allow your eyes a chance to move from near to far and back.

2. Try lying on the floor and have someone swing a pendulum over your head. This allows your eyes to focus and follow an object and move. The eyes need to move to work properly. They are not designed to stare straight ahead for hours at a time. They are made to move and respond to the environment around us.

With just a few simple strategies, the curse of astigmatism can be reversed and old age can in fact be enjoyed, just by relearning to see!
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Program for Better Vision

Listen to Your Eyes!

Natural vision improvement is easy!
Our eyes are the best indicators of our state of mind. If we are upset, worried, under pressure or some other stress, we can recognize the effect it will be having on our eyes, as compared to when we are rested, relaxing and having fun.

In a nutshell, if your eyes are experiencing strain and tense up, then your eyes are being damaged.

Did you know that the eyes are full of small muscles that are responsible for shortening or lengthening the lens so we can see clearly? Take a look at your eyes right now. Are they straining to read the words on the page or screen? Are the eyes flowing over the words or are they staring hard at each word? Are you smiling, frowning, or concentrating too hard? If you said yes to any of those, your eye muscles need to relax as soon as possible. Listen to your eyes!

Amazingly, thoughts can actually affect our vision. When you are thinking pleasant, happy thoughts the eyes are more relaxed. Relaxed eyes have better focus and make smoother movements. Negative thoughts and stressful situations cause the eyes to strain. Strained eyes tend to stare which inhibits lubrication and the movements of the eye can be jerky causing the eyes to hurt.

Benefits of Eye Care

There are many discreet exercises one can do to encourage the eyes to relax, and frequent, even timed breaks will pay great dividends not only for the eyes but the whole body. Remember, relaxed eyes give not only greater clarity but also facilitate better comprehension of the things you are reading or working with.

Strange though it may seem, develop the habit of listening to what the eyes are saying. Be on the "look-out" for the effects of long periods of intense concentration as well as external stressors, then very deliberately giving the eyes 'time-out'. This will not only benefit the body and the mind, but it will protect your long-term vision in a very easy and natural way.
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Relearning To See: 3 Exercises

Eye Exercises Improve Vision

After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out can damage the eyes.

Below are three exercises designed to relieve eye strain:

The Dot Exercise. Firstly, find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually became less clear and actually blurry.

Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don’t stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don’t focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.

The Word Exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don’t move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.

Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don’t force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letting the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.

The Double Vision Exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress. The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Better Eyesight Without Glasses

Practising exercises like these make us aware when to have a break and to relax the eyes! This helps to prevent what may be permanent damage.
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Friday, September 11, 2009

Relearning To See: Center of Vision

The Center of Vision

Learning how to improve eyesight is possible!

Eyesight is perfect when your center of your vision is straight and you don’t have to move your head or eyes to the side to focus. This is called Center Fixation.

The retina is located in the center of the eye and is full of small light sensing rods. This area is called the fovea centralis and is the area of the eye created to have the best line of vision.

If you are tilting your head to the side to see properly, the fovea centralis is not working correctly. The fovea centralis may actually even be turned off. As a defense against outside dangers or stress, this area can shut down to protect itself. If it is turned off, your vision will not be as perfect as it can be.

When your vision is off, you actually look at the side of an object to see it clearly. Test this theory and see where you currently stand:

Find a piece of paper with small print on it. Look at the words straight on and then turn your head to the side until you can read the print. Move your head one way and then the other until you find the best position for reading the print perfectly. Are you straight on or to the side?

How To Improve Eyesight

Simply learning how the eyes work can help us to use them properly. Training the eyes to focus on things straight on will help avoid strain and keep them relaxed.
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Eye Exercises To Improve Vision


Did you know that you can do eye exercises to improve vision?

One is called Palming. Palming is a way to help the eyes relax, naturally. Eyes are in constant motion - even when we are sleeping, the eyes are moving around. It’s not possible to completely stop the eyes from moving because they need to stay lubricated.

However, we can slow down their motion and help them relax.

Improving eyesight is about changing our own bad habits of ignoring the needs of our eyes. The eyes are a delicate, important organ in the body and they need just as much care as the other organs. They need exercise too!


Step 1: Rub your hands together to get them nice and warm. Next, place one palm over each eye. Be sure to cup the palms so they are never directly touching the eyes or putting pressure on the eyelids. Your elbows should be resting on a hard surface, like a table or your knees.

Step 2: Relax, fully relax. With your eyes closed beneath your palms, feel the muscles in your body start to relax. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness your eyes will see. At first, you may see a grayish color but as you relax that gray will become a darker and darker shade of black. The deeper the blackness, the more relax your eyes are.

Natural Vision Correction

Try to stay in this relaxed stage for at least 15 minutes. Once you open your eyes again, things will be more focused. Colors, shapes, and lines will be more defined and your overall vision will be clearer.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Program For Better Vision: Beware Glaucoma

Beware Glaucoma

A personal program for better vision is one of prevention.

One of the main causes of blindness, glaucoma is caused by excess pressure to the eyeballs due to poor circulation around the eyes, plugged channels, and poor drainage. This in turn can be caused by stress, toxins, diabetes or extended use of steroids.

Often called 'the sneak thief of sight' most people have no idea they even have it and by the time the first symptoms appear, it can be too late.

Symptoms: The first symptoms of Glaucoma are tunnel vision and the narrowing in the field of vision. This quickly moves into the final stages of Glaucoma which is permanent blindness.

Treatments: Treatments for Glaucoma are generally temporary solutions. Laser surgery, medication for the tension or draining the fluid from the eyes, only work to relieve the symptoms, not the problem. Most people will still end up with blindness.

Eye Strengthening Exercises

BUT Glaucoma is preventable! When concentrating for extended periods when studying, sewing, playing computer games or working on the computer, ensure you take frequent breaks to close the eyes, roll the eyeball, then look to far and then near distances.

Exercises such as Palmingwill also help to relax not only the eyes but the whole body and assist in preventing many stress conditions, including Glaucoma.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How To Improve Eyesight

Impact of Computers

Computers are becoming a part of everyday life, BUT staring at computers and forgetting to relax and give the eyes a break can cause permanent damage and eye problems!

Natural vision correction will begin to take place when you take frequent, even timed breaks. Do not work until your eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs.

Five Tips:

1. Look away from the screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two.
2. Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes to adjust and move around.
3. Blink as often as you can to keep the eyes lubricated & roll the eyeballs around.
4. If using a laptop outdoors, try to avoid glare on the monitor: move it around as the sun moves or get a screen protector.
5. Keep the work area bright and well lit.

Parents too, may need to remind their children to not only have times away from their computers, but also games played on television screens. Not only do the eyes need a rest, but prolonged exposure to electro-magnetic radiation may wreak havoc with the entire body.


More specific exercises that reduce the effect of computers and allow natural vision correction are: palming, sunning and swinging.

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