Beware Glaucoma
A personal program for better vision is one of prevention.One of the main causes of blindness, glaucoma is caused by excess pressure to the eyeballs due to poor circulation around the eyes, plugged channels, and poor drainage. This in turn can be caused by stress, toxins, diabetes or extended use of steroids.
Often called 'the sneak thief of sight' most people have no idea they even have it and by the time the first symptoms appear, it can be too late.
Symptoms: The first symptoms of Glaucoma are tunnel vision and the narrowing in the field of vision. This quickly moves into the final stages of Glaucoma which is permanent blindness.
Treatments: Treatments for Glaucoma are generally temporary solutions. Laser surgery, medication for the tension or draining the fluid from the eyes, only work to relieve the symptoms, not the problem. Most people will still end up with blindness.

Eye Strengthening Exercises
BUT Glaucoma is preventable! When concentrating for extended periods when studying, sewing, playing computer games or working on the computer, ensure you take frequent breaks to close the eyes, roll the eyeball, then look to far and then near distances.
Exercises such as Palmingwill also help to relax not only the eyes but the whole body and assist in preventing many stress conditions, including Glaucoma.
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