Vision Without Glasses

Friday, September 11, 2009

Relearning To See: Center of Vision

The Center of Vision

Learning how to improve eyesight is possible!

Eyesight is perfect when your center of your vision is straight and you don’t have to move your head or eyes to the side to focus. This is called Center Fixation.

The retina is located in the center of the eye and is full of small light sensing rods. This area is called the fovea centralis and is the area of the eye created to have the best line of vision.

If you are tilting your head to the side to see properly, the fovea centralis is not working correctly. The fovea centralis may actually even be turned off. As a defense against outside dangers or stress, this area can shut down to protect itself. If it is turned off, your vision will not be as perfect as it can be.

When your vision is off, you actually look at the side of an object to see it clearly. Test this theory and see where you currently stand:

Find a piece of paper with small print on it. Look at the words straight on and then turn your head to the side until you can read the print. Move your head one way and then the other until you find the best position for reading the print perfectly. Are you straight on or to the side?

How To Improve Eyesight

Simply learning how the eyes work can help us to use them properly. Training the eyes to focus on things straight on will help avoid strain and keep them relaxed.
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