Vision Without Glasses

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Improve Your Eyesight - Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

If you are thinking about how to improve your eyesight, look at how many people today are: wearing glasses, complain about memory loss and are under stress. Our eyes may be under pressure and are very possibly even in the process of suffering permanent damage.

The brain and the eyes work closely as a team. To keep the memory sharp, it is important to maintain excellent vision. Excellent vision, in turn, is maintained by a relaxed state of mind (and body). Consider the processing of information: The eyes have to first capture an image and focus on the shape, size, and colors. The mind needs to interpret that information and then store it for recall later. Everyday images take mere seconds to interpret and remember. New images take a little bit longer, depending on stress levels. The more focused the eyes are on an image, in a relaxed state, the stronger the memory will become.

In other words, the better an image is processed, the easier it is to recall later. The more relaxed the eyes are, the better they can absorb an image. Too much stress and strain on the eyes may result in a decline in memory retention. Vision and mental focus go hand in hand and both are negatively impacted by strain and stress, so a program for better vision is a must.

Exercises To Improve Vision

To test the condition of the eyes, try these mental memory exercises in which the goal is to maintain a visual image for as long as possible:
Strategy 1:
Cover one eye and glance quickly at a letter on the page with the other eye. Now, close both your eyes and hold the image of the letter in your mind as long as possible. Count how many seconds the image stays in your mind before fading away to darkness. Take note of this number. Do the same thing for the other eye and compare the results.
Strategy 2:
Find a comfortable position, such as sitting in your favorite chair or lying on the floor. Either way, make sure the spine is straight and the hands are relaxed at your side. Next, close your eyes and picture the number 5 down to 0 in your mind. Exhaling, really see the 5 in your mind. Let the eyes follow the black lines of the 5 and picture the number as clearly as possible. Relax and exhale completely until you naturally take the next breath.

As you inhale, picture the number 4. Again, picture the number completely while you exhale. Really see the lines, the black color and the shape; don’t stop picturing the number until all the air has left your lungs and the next breath comes naturally. Do this all the way down to 0.

Such simple strategies will allow you, in time, to visualize images in the mind more clearly and at the same time, increase awareness of the need to relax in order to improve recall. Remember: Vision affects memory. The more clearly we see the image, the more detail we can recall later. That ability to recall well, is a function of keeping the mind relaxed and the eyes free of strain. Relaxation, good vision and good memory all go hand in hand.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Review: Prof Peterson, Quackenbush & Bates

Vision Without Glasses

Vision Without Glasses by Prof Duke Peterson provides an easy guide to relearning to see even to the point of being able to throw glasses or contact lenses away! When I came across the Professor's work I was sceptical and fascinated at the same time. However, I was impressed from the start,that his program for better vision was presented in a simple and easy-to-understand manner that could be quickly put into practice.

William Bates: improve your eyesight naturally

Prof Peterson's work is based upon the extraordinary work of William Bates (1860-1931) who published Perfect Sight Without Glasses in 1920. Basically, Bates identified that the eye can actually be squeezed out of shape by the external muscles when the body is under stress and it subsequently loses its capacity to accommodate changes in distances. The person under stress then begins to develop bad habits to force the eyes to correct or to compensate. Bates was ahead of his time and drew much opposition from the traditional optical community because he taught that there could be natural vision improvement without the need for glasses which, he declared could actually damage the eyes.

Thomas Quackenbush

Another more recent practitioner, Thomas Quackenbush, is also a proponent of Bates and has written his own book, Relearning to See. He builds on the Bates method and gives lengthy, in-depth explanations of how the eye works. He considers that we should not have to carry out eye exercises as such, but rather to change our habits – the bad habits we slip into when we are subjected to stress eg squinting.

Professor Duke Peterson for busy people

By contrast to Bates & Quackenbush, Professor Peterson seems to have taken a more condensed approach in his easy-to-read e-book: Vision Without Glasses. Recognising that stress and limited time is playing a huge role in impacting our lives today, the Professor has simplified re-training the eyes to improve eyesight. Yes, it does involve exercises and does require some work in recognizing those bad habits. However, his methods are simple in both explanation and application. His program for better vision provides easy instructions and charts to assist those of us who would not only enjoy being without the inconvenience of glasses, but also the expense.

Not surprisingly, all of these gentlemen would say it is not about the expense, nor the inconvenience; rather it is about preservation of one of our most precious gifts – the gift of sight! They insist that glasses and contact lenses actually damage the eyes. They teach instead, that our bodies have the capacity to heal the eyes, naturally. Professor Peterson teaches that depending on one's determination, this can be achieved in a matter of weeks and he has clients who have attested to such achievement.

Professor Peterson seems to understand that we need help and we need it both quickly and simply. He provides easy-to-understand explanations of how the eye needs to be cared for, the habits that need correcting and the tools required in order to succeed.

The work of Professor Duke Peterson is superior in its simplicity, encouraging in its delivery and sound in its principles. By emphasizing the impact of stress on the eyes he succeeds in making one acutely aware of the long-term damage that may be inflicted unless those principles are followed for better eyesight without glasses.

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